Some people asked us some questions so here are some answers. IT'S FANCY

Monday, March 29, 2010



I work in an office setting featuring a hefty share of coworkers on the verge of retirement. These colleagues, although equipped with company laptops and blackberries, are complete Luddites. When one coworker in particular is in the office, I am interrupted no fewer than four to five times a day with lame requests to "delete a row in a table," to "change the font size," or to "burn a CD."

I love this woman to pieces, as she's always adorably kind and sweet about her requests, but I am beginning to resent the constant interruptions as she doesn't seem to be willing to learn how to do any of these things for herself. I love her, but I am tired of being bothered! Should I tell her how I feel or should I just wait for her to retire?


Dear Worker Bee,

Ah, the continuing conflict between the Old Folks and the Young'uns in the workplace. Tale as old as time, as Mrs. Potts would say.

Realistically, there's no chance in hell that this lovely lady on the verge of retirement is going to learn "Computers" anytime soon. You, being a young kid, find technology easy and harmless. But to this woman, every keystroke spells confusion and potential disaster. She might get a "virus"! No wonder she asks for your help instead of forging through the wilderness herself.

Next time she calls upon your expertise, I recommend doing one of two things:

1. Tell her you're too busy, but she should ask that new young assistant in another department, he's GREAT with computers!!!!!!

2. Write out detailed instructions and tape them to her cubicle wall so she can be a Big Girl and do it herself.

Get Back to Work,
Fancy Advice Blog

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